Postdoctoral Fellowships in Quantum Optics at MPQ in Germany, 2018

The MPH Center for Quantum Optics invites interested young scientists to apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Quantum Science. Fellowships are awarded for the duration of two years.
Successful candidates can carry out their research either at Harvard or at MPQ, whilst taking advantage of the unique opportunity to pursue their research in collaboration with faculty and students at both institutions.
The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Physics Department at Harvard University join their expertise to expand on their groundbreaking research and to promote excellent young scientists.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in Quantum Optics at MPQ.
Scholarship Award: Fellowships are awarded for the duration of two years. Successful candidates can carry out their research either at Harvard or at MPQ, whilst taking advantage of the unique opportunity to pursue their research in collaboration with faculty and students at both institutions. Participation in collaborative research projects between Harvard and MPQ is specifically encouraged. Hereby, fellows will be offered the opportunity to travel between both institutions on a regular basis, while profiting from the excellent colloquia series and scientific retreat events organized by the center each year.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
  • In order to be eligible for the MPQ-Harvard fellowships, applicants have to have completed their PhD before starting the fellowship.
  • The University of Harvard and the MPQ are equal opportunity employers. Applications of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are highly encouraged.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
How to Apply:  To apply, please submit curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a brief description of research interests and goals (the latter not to be exceeding 500 words) to either MPQ or Harvard. Applicants should also arrange for a minimum of three letters of reference to be uploaded to the same site. Only web submissions will be accepted.
After a first pre-selection, selected candidates will be invited to give a talk at our Harvard Fellowship Day at MPQ.
This is a description of the application process at MPQ in Garching. In case you would like to apply for our current Post-Doc Fellowship Call, please submit your application under:
Education: Please give details about all your university education, including dates and degrees acquired. Also, give a short summary of your Ph.D. thesis, and list any prizes and scholarships you received. This is also the spot to put any other information you think relevant.
  • Research: In this section, we ask you about your previous research: please list your research interests, state your publications (most relevant), and give an outline of your prior and ongoing projects and collaborations
  • Field of interest: Please give a research field (at most two) that you are planning to work in. As you will be based either in Munich or Cambridge, please state who you want to collaborate with.
  • Research Agenda: Here you should sketch out the research agenda you intend to pursue at the Quantum Center. Also explain, how this research relates to your previous research.
  • Recommendation: Name three referees that can testify to your previous work. They will be notified automatically by email
  • Upload: Please upload your CV, your transcripts, papers, and publications. Please use pdf format only!
Application Deadline: The deadline for application is November 15, 2017.

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