Before going into any marriage, you need to understand the kind of woman you’re about to marry.
Now that we have ‘Slay Queens‘ which some people refer to as ‘Omo Shepeteri‘. One needs enough time to figure out the woman you’re dating to know if she’s a wife material.
There are some ways to know if the lady you’re dating is a wife material.
Here on Naijaloaded, we bring to you guys 6 ways to know if you are dating a wife material and not a slay queen.
Check the out below;
1. She Is Economical
One of the biggest sings to watch out for in trying to determine wheather your girl is wife material and how she will handles money.
She is the type of woman that can use the little given to her to produce amazing results.
She helps you to build up your savings and you always get the best of every penny spent.
Moreover if you have a woman that knows how to manage money then you have no need to fear her taking yours.
2. She Has Ambitions And Goals
There is nothing more perfect than a woman who has goals and ambition. When it comes to achieving things, she is not a doormat or walkover.
A woman that has career and life goals is self confident and would have strength of character which is a good thing for any marriage.
The wife material knows what she wants to do with life and nothing will stop her from reaching her goals.
3. She Supports Your Dreams
A woman with dreams and ambiton is wife material but even more appealing is a woman who supports your own goals and helps you be a better person.
When she is your biggest fan and cheerleads you to every victory, know you have found your better half.
She allows you to have the time you need to do what you have to do because she knows your dreams are just as important as hers.
4. She Is A Great Cook
There is a popular saying that the fastest way to a man’s heart is through is stomach.
If she does your cooking for you without complaining then you should know you are dating a well brought up lady.
There is nothing more enticing than coming home to a well prepared dish and a lovely woman at the end of the day.
She cooks great? Wife her now before someone else finds that treasure.
5. She Respects Your Family And Friends
Your wife material alert better be ringing loud and clear if you have a woman that respects not only but your family as well as your gang of friends.
She doesn’t nag, when you have a guys’ night out or when your mom needs your attention.
She is the kind of girl that fits right in and talks nineteen to the dozen with your loved ones like she has known them all her life.
She tries to connect with your family and friends and she is the type that doesn’t have criticism for those that have been with you your whole life.
6. She Is Responsible
Every man’s dream is to find a responsible woman to spend the rest of his lifetime with.
The first way to know this if you have a woman that has a good way of managing her own life.
She is independent, doesn’t need to get drunk every weekend before she has fun.
You don’t see her at every party and she knos when to spend time alone with you.
The End!!
Thanks for reading
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