This Solution Guys: Read 3 ways to last up to 45minutes or 1hours when hav!ng s!ex" with a woman

Depending on the situation I could only last around 2 minutes in actual interc!ourse. I tried EVERYTHING to improve it. Eventually, I figured out what worked and trained myself to last well into that ideal zone.

Daily Exercises for La!sting Longer Good news, there are only two things you need to do regularly to significantly increase your se!xual longevity. It’s just kegel exercises and ma!sturb!ation practice, and it’s an even 50% kegels and 50% practice so take the time for both.

Slow. Down. A simple tip, but it’s one that everyone forgets when the lights go out.

If all else fails… “those” drugs. I’d rather not suggest it, but with millions of men around the world using drugs like Cialis and Via!gra to obtain harder, longer-lasting erections, this option needs to be mentioned. Take some sort of break. Let’s be honest: one of the main reasons why so many guys worry about their stamina is because they’re spending so much time fapping to po!rn clips on the web. In other words, guys notice that Fabio can last for nearly 45 minutes (!) in that latest Jen!na Jam!eson video, and start to believe that its normal behavior. In fact, however, if you cut out the 20 minutes of slap and tickle in the beginning of most adult “performances” – and factor in the Via!gra and Caverject injections that some guys take before the shooting begins – the truth begins to emerge. On top of that, you’ll notice quite a few camera angle changes and tricks ; for example, the crew may stop filming for a minute here and there to take still shots (photography).

In some scenes, i.e. dog!gys!tyle medleys, the male actor isn’t even inside her at all (this stunt is also used in many Hollywood blockbusters with A-list stars who can’t – or won’t – do the real thing). So stop beating yourself up, men. Fa!bio’s other secret is that he takes frequent “breaks” whenever he becomes over-stimulated – whether it be “going down” on her for a minute, changing positions, grabbin’ a BJ here and there, and what not. Ladies: one of the best ways you can help out. If your guy forgets to take breaks, give one to him . Yes, that was a euphemism.

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